What Does Adventure Mean to You?

June 1, 2024

I remember catching up with a friend who lives in a small town in Washington State and the conversation turned to the concept of adventure.

“I always thought adventure meant going to a third world country and surviving,” she told me.

In that moment I realized just how personal the concept of adventure is (and I also told my Washington friend she can “survive” without a 10 ton bag of make up when traveling to any country!). Friends in Boulder, Colorado tell me that unless they’re climbing “a 14-er” they aren’t really having an adventure. Meanwhile at home in St. Augustine, I have Level 1 improv students who tell me that stepping into the studio is an adventure every week.

So what is adventure?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, adventure is “an unusual and exciting or daring experience.”

Aha! So an adventure really is a personal experience. What’s unusual or exciting or daring for me may not be the same for you. And that’s why all of us need to find our own adventures, as they don’t always have to involve expensive gear — or bugs!

That’s the beauty of adventures – we can find them everywhere, and, they’re so much more rewarding when we have a group of people with us who have our backs—making an improv class an accessible (and fun) adventure for everyone.

-Amy Angelilli, Owner + Ringleader, Third Space Improv